This program is distributed as FreeWare but I, Ammon Skidmore, retain owernship, and rights of ownership in this software. Distribute and copy freely so long as no one other than the author will derive a commercial benefit from distributing this software.
***You MUST distribute FC Text-Picture with all its read me documents.***
FC Text-Picture is designed to be the, fastest, simplest, most efficient way to put pictures along with text in FirstClass™ messages. It is completely compatible with both System 6 and 7 (although the pictures appear squished under System 6). It converts six kinds of resource formats: PICT, cicn, ICON, ICN#, ics#, and SICN into stylized text (readable by FirstClass™, Tex-Edit and other programs). You can find these kinds of resources in files such as the FirstClass™ Client, FC settings files, games and the like. If you have a picture or any of these resources in the Clipboard, it is possible to open and convert it (via the open dialog).
About the dialogs:
- The open dialog can be moved around but you cannot switch to another application. It has some check boxes at the bottom which will scan for a resource. Scanning for resources will take a long time on slower machines.
- The dialog where you choose what to convert into a text-picture has a popup which contains all the resources in the open file which FC Text-Picture can read. Note: all that turning off the color box for pictures does is temporairly set the monitor depth to black and white. If the picture is already black and white you have no need to turn off this box.
- The dialog that appears after you have converted something gives you four choices. One is to quit and the other is to "Copy and Quit". The latter button will put the text-picture into the clipboard and then quit FC Text-Picture . With the picture in the clipboard you can now paste it into a First Class™ message. The button "Save As Tex-Edit Doc" will save the text-picture as a Tex-Edit document (which is viewable ONLY by the program Tex-Edit). The last button, "Do It Over..." will return to the open dialog.
• NOTE: Pictures converted into text are going to be BIG (the K kind) so don't convert large pictures. FC Text-Picture does optimize the text by cutting out blank spaces on all four sides but sometimes that still isn't enough. FC Text-Picture will stop you if a picture is larger than the screen minus the menubar. If the number of characters is larger than 32768 (32K) while it is converting, the conversion will stop (due to limitations set up by Apple and not to mention your friendly sysop plus gatewayed boards). Converting pictures with many different colors will go VERY slow and the style information will be VERY big so keep it simple and don't use many colors. (This IS a hack remember? and TextEdit wasn't meant for pictures anyway). If you are going to convert a picture like this it would be wise to increase FC Text-Picture's memory size to 800K to be safe.
• Additional Legal Notes:
This utility may be distributed via on-line services, BBSes and user groups provided that it is not altered in ANY way and there in no charge for the software, except a nominal copying fee. Commercial software distributors (BMUG, EduCorp, etc.) may include this program in their collections provided that: (a) they keep the application and documentation together, (b) they include the latest version (and upgrade it when a new version becomes available), (c) they tell me that they are doing so (and preferably give me a copy of the collection it is in, though this is not vital). All copyright, owernship, and rights of ownership shall remain with Skidperfect Software.
• Disclaimer of Warranty:
In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and performance of using this software lies entirely with you, the user. The author does not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. This application should do no damage, but if it does then you will be on your own. Let me know of any bugs you run into, anyway.
I'm not making any money off this so neither should you: DON'T SUE!!!
- That we need disclaimers proves we live in a sick society -
PS I'd love to hear your comments/suggestions/<BUGS>! Send 'em to the Skidperfect Internet address: or to myself at for a quicker response.
"Don't worry Henry, the Secret Service are taking care of everything."